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User Adoption Best Practices for Employee Apps

Anton Nilsson


Native employee app key to user adoption

The user experience is king with more and more employee apps available today. To ensure employee adoption, an employee app needs to offer a consumer-grade user experience and performance. In internal communications, we've seen that the number one risk facing IT projects is low user adoption.

One of the keys to getting employees ' attention from their personal channels in the midst of a sea of alerts is to opt for a native employee app. This offers a wide range of benefits over a web app, some of which are particularly relevant to internal communications.

Here are some of the top perks of offering native employee apps:


Higher engagement with push notifications

Push notifications help drive maximum employee engagement by ensuring employees see and respond to updates. In general, push notifications have been shown to be more effective than emails. For instance, Airship reported 2.7 times higher opening rates with notifications than email for its customer OBP. In specific, emails are not as well suited to deskless workers, who are easier to reach on mobile devices with push notifications.


Seamless user experience with mobile first

Native employee apps are faster, more efficient, and more responsive because they are specifically designed for mobile platforms. They incorporate the OS interfaces of their devices, creating an integrated look and feel. This is essential for delivering a seamless user experience that can make or break user adoption.


Better user adoption with high app store standards

Native applications are guaranteed to be secure and high-performance because the app stores thy are distributed from continuously monitor the quality standards of the software they provide. Additionally, users are more willing to install and use a branded employee app because the quality is comparable with other apps on their phones. This helps improve user adoption.


The first user experience impression is lasting

Small limitations may make a significant difference in user adoption of an employee app. Look for an employee app that onboards users through a variety of methods and makes their first few experiences simple and intuitive..

If the first impression is amazing, the employee app will work. This means that the login process should be as smooth as possible, and a pre-configured step-by-step guide should help employees understand how to use the app. Here are the best practices you should look for:

Easy and flexible onboarding options

To ensure all employees feel included and not out of the loop, the application should be able to use a variety of methods to onboard users, including personal emails, delivery of access codes, and inclusion with current files. Making it easy to bring everyone onboard is important for ensuring high user adoption.

The welcome wagon

To ensure successful front-end interactions and set the tone for the user experience, companies should be able to create a custom welcome page and tutorial for new users. This should act as an interim guide to help them understand the employee app until they feel at home in it.


Master user adoption with a branded employee app

Creating and marketing a new employee app can be a hassle and can get lost in the hundreds and thousands of similar apps. However, if you want to stand out and master user adoption, you must ensure an excellent user experience from the start. This requires making it both easy and appealing for employees to start using your app. A native, branded employee app distributed through mobile app stores with easy and flexible onboarding options is the key.

Learn more about what a branded employee app means and how Teamvate can help you drive user adoption with an exceptional user experience tailored to deskless workers.

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